Monday, July 2, 2012

Casey's email 7-2-2012

You still there, did you get blown away? How did last weeks storm affect you?
well we had a ridiculous storm Friday night.. 80+ mph winds, lightning every second for hours on end. our cell phones still aren't working right, luckily we are still with power

Have you met your new mission president yet? What's his name, where's he from?
i haven't met president Riggs yet but he is from Arizona and he is a lawyer

What all has happened this week?.
well this week was a bummed week... elder Bentley dropped a dumbbell on his foot and Ive been kinda sick so we haven't been able to do much. we are still working but the work is super slow not only because we are slow but because the area is as dead as a squirrel on the side of a road being ran over by a car constantly

Did you get my package and card?
i got your package!!! thank you so much for the penguin stuff i love them!! 

Looks like we are heading down to Utah for the 4th. Do you have any plans for the 4th?
I miss Utah and everyone in it.. for the 4th we are going to a pancake breakfast with the Bristow ward then going to a  parade with one of our eternal investigators who is 90 years old. he served in WWII and he is so funny.. hes a baptist. his son was a member but he died about 6 months ago.. we are slowly working with him... then after the parade we are going with our ward mission leader and his family to DC to see the fireworks show.

It still has been cool here and still raining on and off. We're lucky that it's in the 70 and we sometimes make it to 80. But we haven't had to use our ac much and we are green so we don't have any fires so i wont complain too much.
well... we have 2 temperatures here... hot and hotter.. 100 degrees in the mid day and 80 at night... when we had the storm friday the rain was hotter than the air...

The Lahtinens are in Peru this week picking up Mark. My how time has flown!
that's crazy... john should be going soon shouldn't he??

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