Monday, July 16, 2012

Casey's email 7-16-2012

i was playing zone sports.. they had it early this morning.
life is hot and humid... i cant walk to the car without sweating bullets...i sweat a lot..

we get rain but only at night and it just makes the humidity 10000000%

the spirit works in crazy ways...  we only have one real investigator... everyone else is going no where

well everything is "woods" here. my wards bad at referrals, we have done nothing but tracted and called and street contacted for the past few weeks..  i am proud to say tho that my arms have gotten to 17 1/2 inches around and I'm the strongest of the 4 guys in the apartment and in the top three in my zone.. that's really the only accomplishment i can say I've gotten for these past 2 months.. I'm going to talk to my zone leaders and tell them that i'm not ready to train so hopefully ill be transferred this transfer instead of elder bentley... cause its custom that after a greenie is done being trained then the greenie becomes a trainer...
i haven't been able to get to bed untilll midnight every night because everyone thinks our room is the party room and i just lay there in bed waiting for them to leave 
i pretty much figured id send a letter to every single living person i know to hopefully get a letter from someone.....

i do everything... i do lunges while holding a 35lb weight in each hand...i jump rope for half an hour... i am doing crazy bicep/tricep work outs cause i want to get to a 20" arm... 

Did I tell you that Nate met your new Mission President?  He actually was in their meetings at the MTC and was passing a mic around for them.
 that's awesome... president riggs is LEGIT...first time he met us all he already had everyone's names memorized..

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