Monday, July 2, 2012

Casey's Letter 7-2-2012

Hello my dearest family

So I thought that since you guys are going to Utah for the 4th I could send this letter to Grandma's house, but I didn't wanna risk it not getting there in time. 

I got your package and I absolutely LOVE the penguin booboo thing and the big eyes penguin named waddles! The other Elders tried to make fun of me for liking and getting penguin stuff.  They said "wow your mom must be obsessed with penguins or something. What are you, 5 years old?" But I said "no it's a thing called love and I'm 20 years old and 10 times stronger than your so there." So they all stopped and went on their merry way.  It's funny how people think that the length of time they have been out makes them better than a greenie...Oh well.  The whole package was awesome and I'm glad I finally got my pretzels!!! My flight to DC I  didn't get a single snack! 

So I'm not really getting any letters.

We we met our new president today, President Riggs and his family.  They brought 4 kids with them so they are going to attend school here.  He is a great guy and super funny so I'm excited to get to know him more.

Lots of love, your son,
Elder Casey James Chaffin

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