Monday, June 25, 2012

weeks been good... pretty dang slow though.. we had our first exchange and i got to be senior companion for the first time and controlled the area for a day.

no cool experiences this week... just funny tracting stories are the awkward things that people do and say... one time we went up to the door knocked and waited.. then the guy opened the door, looked at us, and said "OHH SH**" then slammed the door haha,,, then one time we knocked a door and a Hispanic answered and we started talking and he said no ingles. so i said SI SI hablo Espanol? and he says "no china" then slammed the door hahahahaaha

my hat is legit.. ill send pictures. and no one else got one.. just me

the stake conference was all televised and the sound coming through was like we were listening to a 1940's AM radio....

 the Woodbridge stake just got back from girls camp..
we just have 1000000% humidity... weather here at 9am in the morning is about 80 degrees... by 3 it hits 105ish then around 10pm its still roughly 90 degrees...whenever i get thirsty all i have to do is open my mouth and breath...


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