Monday, June 11, 2012

Casey's email 6-11-2012

Tell us about who you've been teaching, any baptism possibilities?  How's the ward you're in?
weve taught hardly anyone.. everyone the wards here aren't good with helping out the missionaries.. we get zero refferrels and have absolutely no one to teach... there are 2 people (sister kamgaing from kamaroon africa) and (yolanda tilton ) yolanda struggles with coffee and stil hasnt read in the bom. sister kamgaing doesnt know much english/she speaks french. and its hard for her to understand the lessons.

How's the apartment situation?
the apartment situtation is figured out.. we move out of the town house on the 16th. but we found out that the dale city elders are moving with us and we will be sharing the apartment.. so we're going to have to lay down some rules!!

You'll be getting a new Mission President in July, have they said much about that?
 we havent heard much about our new president coming in.. so i hope hes like president albright. albright is awesome..
I miss not getting several letters a week like in the MTC.
its really super weird not getting 10 letters a day in the MTC too... ive sent out a total of like 20 letters to people and ive only recieved one in  return... so ill just have to get used to not getting mail..
How often do you get to go to the temple?
 we go to the temple roughly every 3 months... but its off and on so i dont know when ill get to go
How far away is the mission home from where you are?
 the mission home is about a thirty minute drive from here.. so not too far
Have you done a lot of tracting? how do people react to you when you go?
 weve done tracting 3 times. first time ever we ran into a black minister and it was super weird. and our third time we went tracting we went to a trailer park and after the 15th house we realized we were in an all mexican trailer park so we left, because we don't speak spanish.
Who came up with the idea to do the mailbox picture?
 elder aker and forrest came up with it.. its a pretty sweet idea.. you should print it out and send it to all the people who should be sending me letters..
we had a sweet prompting one night. we were trying to think of something to do after a dinner appointment and i told elder bentley turn around that way.. and he was like ok.. so he turned around then he didnt tell me where we were going and we pulled up to this house and he said lets say hi to this family.. and we knocked on the door and the mom answered and was like oh my gosh i was just thinking about you guys because i want you to give my son a blessing... he is going into surgery tomorrow to have something done with like cancer or something and they are really worried about it so elder bentley and i gave our first blessing last week
there is such a diverse people here.. one door is muslim one door is buddist. the next is baptist, then methodist... so on and so forth... oh and 99.9% is all black.. haha so he the black is the new white and white people like the missionaries are the ones that stick out like sore thumbs.. well i gtg now i love you all and hope to hear more from you...

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