so... today was a very very interesting day.... it started off
with working out hard core this morning at 630... im proud to say that i can now
single arm curl 60lbs :).. my goal is 75.. and i want to get my bench from 225
to 250.. that would be sweet.. anyways we got done working out and showered and
got ready for the day.. we, (my companion, me and the 2 roomate missionaries) then got in our car and drove to the Franconia/ Springfield metro station. we road for about half an hour till we got off
at........DRUM-ROLL please.... the Pentagon.. heck ya! haha we were then met by a
man in a beige suit and he took us through the security process.... after all
the boring stuff we then got inside... dang that place is cool... they have so
flippin much things in there.. the have a best buy and millions of different restaurants and a flower shop and a dentist. a dry cleaners and a taco bell
-_-... we got to walk around while the guy told us a lot about it.. did you know
that if you laid the empire state building on its side, it would fit inside the Pentagon...pretty cool.. i think he said something like 6.5 million or billion
square feet... on about 500 acres of land.. we then proceeded to walk around and
we went down the defense hallway.... i walked right next to the secretary of
defense's office door :) then we all were hungry so we went and ate in the court
yard... i got a hotdog from the famous hotdog stand in the center of the court
yard where apparently some time back a Russian spy satellite was watching the Pentagon and noticed a ton of people going under neath these two umbrellas. the Russians thought that it was a tunnel way for people to go underground or
something like that.. haha pretty funny.. we walked around some more and saw a
bunch of cool art and lots of people of high positions in cool uniforms.. then
went out and saw the Memorial... we also got to see them setting up for the ceremony for tomorrow (September 11th) in memory of 9/11.. they were draping
down the big flag like the did years back.. pretty cool thing...
on our ride back from the Pentagon it was pretty boring we just kinda talked to
people and such.. nothing big. we got back to the Springfield Franconia metro
station and walked back to where we parked... when suddenly... dun dun dun
dunnnnn.... our car was gone!?!?!?!? what the fetch?.. dudes wheres our car?.....hmm... so our car got towed and we were stuck in an area and the towing
place was about 5 miles away... we called our zone leaders and they had to come
drive half an hour to pick us up and take us to the towing company... while
waiting for the zone leaders we relaxed in a dunkin donut shop sippin on a nice
cool water while eatin some doughnuts....just sitting and waiting... zone
leaders finally came... took us to our car and (I paid the other missionaries paid me back) $125, we were finally able to
drive back and to the library where i am now emailing all of your :) apparently we parked in the parking lot NOT for commuters... hope ya
like my little story.. it was fun experiencing it...well most of it.... pretty
interesting day.. its gonna make for a nice long journal entry....
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