Friday, June 29, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

weeks been good... pretty dang slow though.. we had our first exchange and i got to be senior companion for the first time and controlled the area for a day.

no cool experiences this week... just funny tracting stories are the awkward things that people do and say... one time we went up to the door knocked and waited.. then the guy opened the door, looked at us, and said "OHH SH**" then slammed the door haha,,, then one time we knocked a door and a Hispanic answered and we started talking and he said no ingles. so i said SI SI hablo Espanol? and he says "no china" then slammed the door hahahahaaha

my hat is legit.. ill send pictures. and no one else got one.. just me

the stake conference was all televised and the sound coming through was like we were listening to a 1940's AM radio....

 the Woodbridge stake just got back from girls camp..
we just have 1000000% humidity... weather here at 9am in the morning is about 80 degrees... by 3 it hits 105ish then around 10pm its still roughly 90 degrees...whenever i get thirsty all i have to do is open my mouth and breath...


Monday, June 18, 2012

Casey's email 6-18-2012

i hate riding bikes... well at least in my area now.. because we cover prince william and bristow wards.. which covers a few cities.. its about 30-50 miles from one side to the other. and we live 3 miles outside our area.. so just to get to our area on bikes is tough... we had to ride last week one day and it was the hottest day of the week.. so we got to an investigators house drenched in sweat

How's the new apartment? You must send pictures when you get all settled in. Is it a furnished apartment?
the new apartment is awesome its super nice and brand new... and the elders are actually cleaning up after themselves somewhat,
What does your day consist off each day?
each day consists of waking up at 630, working out from 7-8 study time from 8-9 companionship study from 9-10 or 11 depending on the day. then lunch, then proselyting from 1- 845. and usually we have a dinner from like 5-6 or so.. the members are good at feeding us.. and ive gained too much weight, ive hit an all time high so im slightly unhappy with it but it makes me work out harder.
Did you get my card?
 i got your card and its funny cause you said that hayleigh said on facebook she was going to write me and i got both your card and her letter on the same day. 
We got your package, dad wore his tie today.
 thats awesome.. i hope he liked it,. i forgot to get dad a card, the erasers were for calli, and i cant remember what else i sent. i also sent topher a package and there is a bunch of cool stuff in there for dad... so hopefully he can send those to yall soon. 
How was your week?
week was real good.. i had an awesome (listen to the spirit ) expirience happen. we were trying to visit some people we had ran into a long time ago so we had finished up the last house and were walking back to the car skipping a bunch of other houses and the last house on the left right before we were about to walk around the corner i just thought "knock this house" so i stopped and just walked to the door and elder bentley was like what are you doing?... i sais we need to knock on this door.. so we knocked and no one answered so i was like well that was dumb... what a pointless thought... so we continued on walking around the corner and as soon as we walked around the corner a guy just opened the door and saw us right as we passed his doorstep and he was like hey you guys! yall doing your rounds or something. and we stopped and talked with him and he has a bunch of questions and we tauight him the first lesson right there on his doorstep and we gave him pamphlets and we are going to make an appointment with him to go teach him again. i realized that if we hadnt stopped at that empty house we would have already been past that guys door and he never would have seen us.... PRETTT AWESOME!
Emilee Says Hi
tell them hi too.. i plan on writing them again but ive been pretty busy.. i can only write 1 or 2 letters a p-day cause we are so busy.... so today im going to buy a custom made hat.. im trying to get the whole district to do it but what its gonna be is a plain hat then we get it embroidered and on the front in big letters its going to say LDS then on the back its gonna say Elder chaffin/ or whoever name. so i think it'll be pretty sweet..

Mom updates my blog, i cant update my blog... only email and letters.. .which reminds me... EVERYONE SEND ME LETTERS AND PICTURES!!!!!! i bought myself a photo album...
its just tough to get to dc because it takes up an entire p day and id rather buy food then go see dc hah.. but we will go eventually..we are first going to go to the tomb of the unknown solider and see the changing of the guards

ya ill take all the pictures i can get... i am always wet too.. and i guess right now is only 60% humidity.. its supposed to get up to 120% mid summer.. so im excited.. well i gotta get off... im over time and i love you all.. hope everything continues to go well... ill message yall next week... oh and FYI.. if you send me a package then send a separate letter at the same time saying you sent me a package because i wont know when i get packages

Thursday, June 14, 2012


the newest group of missionaries are invited back to the mission home after
4 weeks in the field.  They report on their work.  They share stories and testimony.

This was a really big group: 20 of them.  Elders McGoffin, Pojol, Nutall, Kelley, Lewis, George, Bennett, Orme, Sister Evans, Elder Bergman, Sister Jeppsen, Elder Stone, Sis Feng, Elder Hodgson, Sister Goates, Elder Oberhansley, Pedraza, Chaffin, Riggs, Sister and President Albright


Monday, June 11, 2012

Casey's email 6-11-2012

Tell us about who you've been teaching, any baptism possibilities?  How's the ward you're in?
weve taught hardly anyone.. everyone the wards here aren't good with helping out the missionaries.. we get zero refferrels and have absolutely no one to teach... there are 2 people (sister kamgaing from kamaroon africa) and (yolanda tilton ) yolanda struggles with coffee and stil hasnt read in the bom. sister kamgaing doesnt know much english/she speaks french. and its hard for her to understand the lessons.

How's the apartment situation?
the apartment situtation is figured out.. we move out of the town house on the 16th. but we found out that the dale city elders are moving with us and we will be sharing the apartment.. so we're going to have to lay down some rules!!

You'll be getting a new Mission President in July, have they said much about that?
 we havent heard much about our new president coming in.. so i hope hes like president albright. albright is awesome..
I miss not getting several letters a week like in the MTC.
its really super weird not getting 10 letters a day in the MTC too... ive sent out a total of like 20 letters to people and ive only recieved one in  return... so ill just have to get used to not getting mail..
How often do you get to go to the temple?
 we go to the temple roughly every 3 months... but its off and on so i dont know when ill get to go
How far away is the mission home from where you are?
 the mission home is about a thirty minute drive from here.. so not too far
Have you done a lot of tracting? how do people react to you when you go?
 weve done tracting 3 times. first time ever we ran into a black minister and it was super weird. and our third time we went tracting we went to a trailer park and after the 15th house we realized we were in an all mexican trailer park so we left, because we don't speak spanish.
Who came up with the idea to do the mailbox picture?
 elder aker and forrest came up with it.. its a pretty sweet idea.. you should print it out and send it to all the people who should be sending me letters..
we had a sweet prompting one night. we were trying to think of something to do after a dinner appointment and i told elder bentley turn around that way.. and he was like ok.. so he turned around then he didnt tell me where we were going and we pulled up to this house and he said lets say hi to this family.. and we knocked on the door and the mom answered and was like oh my gosh i was just thinking about you guys because i want you to give my son a blessing... he is going into surgery tomorrow to have something done with like cancer or something and they are really worried about it so elder bentley and i gave our first blessing last week
there is such a diverse people here.. one door is muslim one door is buddist. the next is baptist, then methodist... so on and so forth... oh and 99.9% is all black.. haha so he the black is the new white and white people like the missionaries are the ones that stick out like sore thumbs.. well i gtg now i love you all and hope to hear more from you...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Lonely Mail Box ! :-(
Elder Casey James Chaffin
Washington DC South Mission
5242 Lyngate Ct
Burke, VA 22015

George Washington's Home

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Front Row:  Elders White, Jensen, Cluff, Gates, Riggs, Sister Dana and Mecham
2nd Row: Elders Perry, Mann, Powell, Hubbard, Earl, Hussey, O Johnson, Freeman and C Johnson
3rd Row:  Elders Busch, Timothy, Chaffin, Bentley, Mochizuki, Ker, Williams, Watson, Walker
4th Row:  Elders Parker, Young, Oliverson, Forrest, Aker, Davis, Rausch, Fitzpatrick, A Wilson
5th Row:  Elders Cowley, Pojol, Yazzie, Bigler, Husted, T Wilson, Eric Williams 
6th Row:  Elders Ross, Watson, Mooso, Bay, Cluff, Sister and Elder Gillette

 Woodbridge Stake Center


link to the mission blog

This is a link to the mission blog.  It will show when Casey arrived in DC

Here are some pictures from the mission blog

Monday, June 4, 2012

Casey's email 6-4-2012

did ya hear about my tornado warning Friday? we just played a game till the warning was over

 we are currently living with the dale city elders, elder forrest and elder aker.  they have had previous rat, ant,and spider infestations and treated for bed bugs 4 times. they said everything was treated for. but after the first night we stayed there i found and caught a bed bug crawling up the wall.. so far Ive found 2 and caught them to burn them. we called president and the AP's so they are now trying to get someone out here to spray for them. so I'm very unhappy that the elders  don't keep their place nice like all the rules say. ... elder bentley and i have "pimped" out our room with christmas lights and such.. everything is organized and our workout room is just full of weights :) i got this new stuff that elder hussey (ex mma cage fighter and my district leader) told me to get.. its called N.O. Explode. its nice..
Explain why you couldn't stay in the apartment you were in and how did you find a place, did you get any help?
  we lost our old townhouse because the lease was up,
How much do you ride your bike and how much do you drive your car?
 i ride my bike only when we go over miles on the car. usually near the end of the month.
Have you taught any discussions, do you have any investigators?
  we have a ton of eternal investigators going no where. we have one lady on date for june 23rd. but she still isnt sure... then we have a part member family from kamaroon africa and the mom makes amazing food over an open fire. she had friends over last time we saw her  and one was from jamaica so i talked to her about topher serving there
Have you had any allergy problems?
 allergies kinda suck here... ive just been going everywhere with a stiffy nose... plus just about everyone and there dog have a dog or cat or 3 of both haha

Are you getting used to the humidity?
  the humidity isn't bad at all.. at first i couldn't breathe getting off the airplane but im fine now... 
Is the mission Home Big? Where did all 19 of you sleep?
 we slept in the basement.. and its about the size of our house.. not too big
I noticed you have been eating at fast food...McDonalds and Taco Bell,
im sorry we have no food because of moving... and member families wont feed us.. we've had a lot people slack or forget and stuff